50 White Peony Bouquet


50 White Peony Bouquet


Bouquet of 50 White Peonies: Pure Elegance and Grace

Delight in the pure elegance and timeless grace of our Bouquet of 50 White Peonies. Each peony, carefully chosen for its lush, full blooms and pristine petals, creates a breathtaking and sophisticated display.
Quantity: 50 premium white peonies
Stem Length: 40-50 cm, offering a delightful and luxurious presence
Color: Pure white, symbolizing purity, grace, and sophistication
Arrangement: Expertly arranged with lush greenery to complement the delicate beauty of the peonies
Presentation: Wrapped in elegant paper and tied with a refined ribbon, ensuring a sophisticated and polished look
Ideal For:
Celebrating special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, and graduations
Expressing sentiments of purity, grace, and elegance with charm
Creating memorable moments and delightful surprises for someone special
Our Bouquet of 50 White Peonies is more than just a floral arrangement; it’s a message of pure elegance and timeless beauty, perfect for any occasion. This stunning bouquet is sure to captivate and leave a lasting impression.


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